Monday, August 9, 2010

Family, friends, and summer

I was reading through everyone else’s posts from the last week or so and something occurred to me.

The summer for all of my friends is coming to an end because of school and band camp and other such doings. But when does my summer end? When do I go somewhere instead of sitting on my ass doing nothing but working out, studying, and such?

Well, I believe I know the answer to my own question.

Where the rest of my friends and my immediate family here shortly all have summers that kind of revolve around school, mine doesn't do that anymore. My summer doesn't end until the first day of autumn and there's nothing I can do about that. Not now anyway. Even if I went back to school because I got picked up for Seaman-to-Admiral or decided to get my degree on my own, my summer no longer ends when something else starts back up. I will have to earn my paycheck pretty much 365 days a year. Like just about everyone else in this great country of ours.

Am I complaining? No. I made this decision and I understood this would happen. It's just all kind of hitting me all of a sudden. Which happens a lot for me.

Which brings up another point. It hit me this last week that the military in general, not just the Navy, is probably the most inefficient organizations that mankind has ever had the unfortunate task of trying to operate. Why do I say this? Because stuff happens that shouldn't happen. Like your fingerprint card expiring. I mean seriously? Expiring fingerprints?

However, despite the fact that I have joined this woefully inefficient organization, I would like to point out that my friends have not abandoned me. Not even close. They support me no matter what, and I love them all the more for that.

Speaking of, the question was posed earlier asking what family meant to us.

Family to me are the people who never judge you, even when you TOTALLY screw up. They're the people who love you no matter what you do, who are there to support you no matter what direction your life might take. And are the people who kick you in the ass when a swift kick is required but not desirable.

I say that to say this, I love the people who post on this page. Even Jenissa, who I have met but haven't really gotten to know. She is the girlfriend of a friend, and really good friends with my best friend. I don't NEED to know anything more than that. She is a member of this family and because of that I love her just like everyone else.

The thing I love most about these people, is that I'm never so angry that I drive them away, I never do something so utterly stupid that I cause them to wonder what they were thinking in talking to me a few years ago. And best of all, I could never say anything to them that couldn't be forgiven. Yeah I might have to beg and plead for forgiveness, but it's still there.

That is what family means to me. My friends, my mom, and those of my extended family that take a true interest in my life, are the people I couldn't keep going without. And I love them all.

Now that I've been about as sappy as I can stand, I shall end this. Good night everyone.

"Be yourself, those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." - Unknown

Jacob "Soprano" D'Amico
Future Sailor, United States Navy

Monday, August 2, 2010

Happy Monday/Tuesday!

Happy Monday, Y'all!

So the blog lives, clearly. I'm glad to see more posts being cranked out. I truly hope it sticks. Whether it's just a quick update, or a tearjerker like the one right below me, I like knowing that our thoughts are pegging the internet.

This blog won't truly have much substance today. Well, I can't say that, because knowing me, I'll say that and it'll gather substance. But don't keep your hopes up, I'll say that. We'll see what below takes us.

Tomorrow, I'll embark on my journey back to the East Coast, and I couldn't be any closer to excited than I am right now. I counted up the days, and tomorrow will mark exactly 12 weeks since I started my journey in California. 12 weeks ago, I sat down in the same room I'm sitting in right now, knowing that this summer would be drastically different than any summer I had experienced prior. I tried to keep a good outlook on it though, and with a few dips here and there, I think it's safe to say that I, well, survived Summer 2010.

In the corner of the guest bedroom / my temporary room, I have a large bag, from Kohl's, that's quickly accumulating a great deal of trash that was in or around my room. I didn't think I'd fill the bag up with anything other than the small bag of trash I had in my room. But slowly, the bag's being filled to an amount that I definitely didn't realize.

The amount of trash I have in my room is amazing. Mostly, it's stuff that I just put down and it stayed there, or things that I wanted to keep but probably never had the intentions of keeping. And then there's just simple trash. So you realize this, and simply trash it.

I guess the same thing applies to life, in a sense. If there's something in your life that's bringing you down or a bad omen to you, you simply toss it in the "trash", or in this case, exclude it from your life. Once all the "trash" is gone, you have a clean "room" essentially. Or at least one with a lot less clutter and mess.

In the past I've done a lot, in regards to clearing out the things that have brought me down. There's been a lot of people, in that sense, who I thought I could call my friend, someone I could trust. And then, further on down the line, I find out that, well, that person wasn't as reliable or trustworthy as thought. Sometimes you feel like you're stuck with it, but in most cases, you'll either get out of it or find the strength to end it, pronto.

With my summer, my life became the room I was in, and anything in my life that needed to go was put into a bag and tossed away. And that needed to happen, it was a long time coming. My life, as simple as I want it to be, has its way of injecting some serious complications into it. Given the point in my life where I want to be, I think that it was time for all that complication to just eradicate itself. A simple life is much easier to manage, and definitely more stable. And at the stage in my life where I am -- being in a stage where moving onto the next step, being truly on my own, is in the cards -- I can't afford to have a lot of situations come up that distract me from being who I am.

I'm happy with the person I am, and I believe that I will always take steps necessary to be a person that is someone people can look up to. That's my goal.

So I'm definitely packing my suitcase now, as it's taken me FOREVER to get to this point in this entry. I was going to post on my personal blog tonight, but that won't even BEGIN to start until after I get my big suitcase packed. And I still have to do the online check-in and print out my tickets. I also have my sheets in the dryer. I thought they were almost done at 8:30, but turns out it took a bit longer. Oh joy.

I'm excited to head back to the East Coast. I can't believe that in 9 hours, I'll be on a plane headed back to GA. It is extremely exciting for me : )

Well, this entry started out on Monday, and ended on Tuesday. NO harm no foul. : )

Next entry I'll post will come from Georgia!!
Much love....
.... and remember.....

One a day keeps the doctors away.

Peace out!
- Alfred