Monday, July 26, 2010

Cake or Death? ..I'll have the Chicken.

So, summer should be about fun and games, should it not? When you're young, it should be a time to relax, kick back and enjoy the sun on the beach or by the pool; least that's how I thought of it. However, that's not how I'm spending my summer "vacation." Nope, I'm not even getting a vacation this year. Well, maybe two weeks off at the beginning of August.

However, all you high schoolers and middle schoolers and such out there, hush up about your school year. Let's just say, Calculus during the summer probably wasn't the greatest idea I've ever had. Not only don't I get a summer break because of calculus, I'm also stuck doing work for other people. I don't mind helping when you need me to, because that's just who I am. However, when you're telling me to do something that you could do yourself.. well, that's where I draw the line.

I hate when people text me and they ask you if they can borrow your notes because they were too lazy to write their own. Or when they can't figure something out, so they just give up and come to you asking if they can just copy the work you put a lot of time and effort into. Seriously people, grow up and do your own damn things. I have my own crap to take care of, and I will not be responsible for yours, too. When you're in class and playing on the computer rather than listening to the teacher and copying what (s)he's saying, don't you dare think that I'll be there ready to hand you a xerox copy of mine. Or when we're doing class work and you'd rather go talk to some one, don't think I'm going to magically put your name on the paper. Nope, you should have been there to help me with it.

Why do you think it's okay to phone some one and TELL (not ask) them to do something that you could take five minutes to do yourself. Because you think you're the only one who's busy. Well, think again. I have five million things I need to do, too, but you don't see me trying to pass them off to some other person, telling them what they need to do so that way I can meet all my daily goals. Be responsible and act your age, damn it.

I'm sure everyone has been in this boat. The one where we seem to be everyone's lackey. Where we seem to be the "go-to" people when everyone needs something solved, but they don't want to solve it themselves. Honestly, it irks me when people do that! I feel used and under appreciated when it happens. Well, I'll tell you one thing, I'm not scared to tell you no, or to tell you to do it yourself. I'm not a force to be reckoned with.

That's all for tonight, I think I'll go cuddle with my kitty and get some sleep. :]
Good night, all you pirates and ninjas out there.

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